The newly released trailer for the game shows live-action footage in addition to snatches of in-game footage. It is narrated by Paxton Fettel, and shows Alma as a fully grown (clothed) woman giving birth to Becket's - the protagonist of F.E.A.R. 2 - child in a hospital room, with doctors frantically moving about. The baby is shown clawing out of her stomach. Also seen is the Point Man, with his face shown for the first time, as a man with long, matted hair killing soldiers with a machine gun and Paxton Fettel himself, as a man with a bullet in his forehead, emanating a red aura.
Labels: f3ar , fear 3 , fear3 , fear3 characters , fear3 enemy , fear3 high definition , fear3 paxton fettel , fear3 pointman , fear3 storyline , fear3 system requirements , fear3 video
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