

Warrock Stutter fixes

Friday, June 25, 2010

Warrock-Where the Battles lied Ahead
The master of online first person shooter -THE COUNTER STRIKE -hit a major blow with the release of an improved version of the game released by k2 networks along with dream execution called THE WARROCK.Since its inception this game has posed threat to existing games like Battlefield 2 and Counter Strike. It's a lot of fun for a free game and one of the better free games to have been made.
Altough this guide might seem too exhaustive the end result is worth it.

Step1) Do not install unnecessary programs (like freeware etc) as they tend to slow down the system as it progresses.Remember an Os slowly decays with time.Its always preferable to reinstall warrock a fresh
Defragmenting your system will always be beneficial .So after moving warrock to a particular drive then do a system defragmentation.In case you dunno how to do it follow these steps:

- Go to start menu
- Click All programs
- Click Accessories
- Click System Tools
- Click Disk Defragmenter
Step 3) Download Tune up utilities and use the settings which can increase ur performance a lot better.Manually changing them might cause issues .SO leave it to the software.
Step4)The best graphic settings for warrock are:
Color- 16 bit
Texture Quality - Low
Caution:These settings may not be good for sniping in maps like Red clover.In such cases go for custom settings and set texture and world details high and remaining all low.
Step5)Set all the Fx shader settings off.Don turn em on.Its causes system to crawl
Step 6)The biggest problem with warrock is that it has a fixed display refresh rate which really affects system performance(at 60 Hz).So use a software like Multires to clamp ur frame rate .Its a freeware ( and after installing, it appears in task bar and select ur refresh rate by Click on "About Multires" You will be brought to a dialog box. Put a check in the box that says "Lock refresh rates" and in the box "Auto-load with Windows" .Now this will give huge performance boost to warrock.
Step7)Reduce your audio sampling from 48khz to 44khz by going into Windows Control Panel. Click on Device Control.Set the sampling rate to 44.1hz and the bit depth to 16. This will consume less CPU cyles when there are lots of sounds going on in the game and this setting may lower the frequency of gun lag in firefights.
Step8)To fix latency in PCI cards (leading to drop in framerates and missed frames including sounds) download Pci latency tool v3 from
Once installed set the latency to the PCI bus your sound card is on to 0. (If you notice any pops or cracks in sound set it to 16, 0 is optimal though) .After setting it to 0. Go into the settings and put a check next to: Apply on Startup. Also change the latency of network card to 0 as well.
step9)For AMD dual core processor please download the dual core optimizer by AMD and its ABSOLUTELY essential for the game.
Download the "AMD Dual-Core Optimizer Version 1.1.4" and install.
step10)Tweaking your page file has been known to improve Warrocks performance as well. In particular a properly tuned page file helps combat the dreaded gun lag. Again, if you have multiple hard drives put the page file on the drive that your operating system is NOT installed on.
To tweak your page file:
Go to Control Panel
Click system
Click advanced tab
Click on settings
Click on Change at the bottom of page
For optimal page file usage. We want to do like we did when installing Warrock. We want to defrag our hard drive. However, you cannot defrag the page file while it is in use. So select, "no paging file" and click apply changes. Reboot when prompted and come back to this step.

After computer has rebooted, defrag your hard drive as I shown in earlier steps. Once the computer has finished defragmenting. Go ahead and go back to the Paging File options page.
This time click custom size. Here are the settings:
If you have 512 megs of ram:
Minimum: 4096
Maximum: 4096
If you have 1gb of ram:
Minimum: 2048
Maximum: 2048
If you have 2gb+ of ram:
Minimum: 1024
Maximum: 1024
Click the 'set' button, apply changes and reboot.
Hopefully you should be able to see dramatic changes in the game.Incase you are not able to or are having any issues please ping me and ill try to find the tweaks or fixes for you.



HaRrY PoTtEr said...

Thanks Bro it really worked Like a chrm :) Hats off

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