The final battle rages on between the good and bad with the fate of humanity at stake.Considered to be the best transformer games in the entire series,the game blemvides ground breaking fighting sequences and techniques paralled by gripping storyline.Unfortunately, the inability to remap the keyboard along with a number of other game breaking glitches, errors, and crashes, have caused some gamers to sit this war out. So if you’re one of those still stuck on the desktop then check out the fix guide below and you might find the fix you need.
Experience the legendary battle between the Autobots and Decepticons before their exodus to our planet,pertaining to a civil war for their home planet,Cybertron.Game features an interwined gameplay featuring two competitive campaigns- As the Autobots courageous stand in the total face of annihilation or the Decepticons whose thirst for power will prove baneful for anyone confronting them.Online support is also good and has the player to choose from online co-op to several multiplayer modes.Battle alongside your team for the devastating battle that lies ahead.Can you keep your head?
If you encountered an error not listed here, plz feel free to comment and i will try to get it fixed for ya.
Important:Make sure your Nvidia or Ati drivers are upto date .
System Requirements:
3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant 256 MB video card and drivers*
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP / Windows Vista(R) / Windows(R) 7
Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo E4300 1.80 GHz or AMD Athlon(TM) 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ 2.0 GHz
2 GB of RAM
9 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows(R) swap file and 12 KB free for saved games)
A 100% Windows(R) XP / Windows Vista(R) / Windows(R) 7-compatible computer system including:
DirectX(R) 9.0c (Included)
100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers
100% Windows(R) XP / Windows Vista(R) / Windows(R) 7-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers
100% Windows(R) XP / Windows Vista(R) / Windows(R) 7-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers
*Supported Chipsets for Windows(R) XP / Windows Vista(R) / Windows(R) 7
All NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 7900 GT 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding 8400 cards)
All ATI Radeon(TM) X1900 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding Radeon HD2400, Radeon HD2600, and Radeon HD3450)
Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported
Problem #1: How to increase the maximum FPS (framerate) from 30 to 60 when playing Transformers: War for Cybertron:
Possible Solution #1: (by CYBORG112 from the gamefaqs forums)
Most unreal engine games have this line in their config ini
Setting that to false should remove the Fps cap.
Problem #2: How to improve AA ( anti-aliasing) of Transformers: War for Cybertron:
Possible Solution #1:
Download and install nHancer
Problem #3: Transformers: War for Cybertron won’t start / launch:
Possible Solution #1:
Restart Steam
Possible Solution #2:
Reinstall the graphics card driver
Problem #4: Is Transformers: War for Cybertron PC compatible with a Xbox 360 controller:
When plugged, Transformers auto detects the Xbox 360 controller
Problem #5: Can’t rebind / configure the keyboard or controller when playing Transformers: War for Cybertron PC :
Possible Solution #1: (by Pluberus from the Steam forums)
Here is a quick guide on customizable keys adapted from here:
1. Download AutoHotKey for free.
2. Install AHK.
3. Open notepad.
4. Create a script (see below).
5. Save the script as “SOMENAME.ahk” - Make sure to change the “Save as type:” in Notepad to All Files before saving.
6. Double click the script to activate it.
To make the arrow keys function as WASD:
^!s::Suspend ; Press Ctrl+Alt+S to Suspend. Press it again to resume.
You can copy and paste the above code into notepad and save it as an AHK script. To customize your controls to your liking, just replace each key with your own. (I.e. to make a act as b, type a::b)
Using AHK with Multiple Programs:
(By Sora-Chan) For those of you who use AutoHotKeys for other things or for those of you who want to use it for multiple games but with different binds, here’s some code for you:
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3 ; Need this to allow two key press threads to run at same time
#IfWinActive, Transformers: War for Cybertron ; The title of the Program's window
This will make it so that it will switch to the binds for Cybertron when that window is active. If you want to use it for a different game or program, just replace “Transformers: War for Cybertron” with the window’s title.
Default control settings:
click here
Originally Posted by DJ Cyrotek
Move: WASD or Arrow Keys
Look: Mouse
Swap Weapons: PGDN/PGUP or Mouse wheel
Aim/Detonate Grenade: Right Mouse Button
Fire: Left Mouse Button
Melee: Middle Mouse or Q
Ability 1: Shift
Ability 2: Control
Jump: Space
Look At: B
Kill Streak (MP): B
Interact, Pick up, Revive: E
Add to Generator: E
Change Form: F
Throw Grenade: G
Detach Turret: G
Reload: R
Scoreboard (MP): Tab
Pause: Escape
Speed Boost: Right Mouse
Flip: Shift
Speed Boost: Right Mouse
Roll Start: Shift
Hover Up: C
Hover Down: V
Speed Boost: Right Mouse
Ram: Shift
Speed Boost: Right Mouse
Quick Turn: Shift
For Reference
The variables for the mouse keys in AHK are:
LButton - Left mouse button
MButton - Middle mouse button
RButton - Right mouse button
XButton1 - Fourth mouse button
XButton2 - Fifth mouse button
So, to make the left mouse button act as the right button and vice versa, you would use:
The list of variables for various keys is here:
Sample Script:
Here is code to make “f” melee and “c” transform:
^!s::Suspend ; Press Ctrl+Alt+S to Suspend. Press it again to resume.
^!s::Suspend ; Press Ctrl+Alt+S to Suspend. Press it again to resume.
f::MButton ; "f" activates melee
LShift::f ; Left Shift activates transform
XButton1::LControl ; Mouse button 4 (forward?) activates ability
XButton2::LShift ; Mouse button 5 (backward?) activates 2nd ability
t::b ; "t" activates kill streakes
e::g ; "e" throws the grenade
q::e ; "q" is the use key
If you have UAC on: make sure to run Autohotkey.exe as an administrator in Vista and Windows 7 or the keys wont work in game.
Make sure, when writing your script, to use lowercase letters (Except when using the Mouse Button variables). For example, if you try this: F::S, it will not work. Use this instead: f::s.
Problem #6: How to find out if your PC or laptop can run / play Transformers: War for Cybertron PC:
Solution:Go to system requirements lab and type the name of the video game you want to check
Problem #7: Transformers: War for Cybertron PC encounters Crashes / errors / freezes when playing:
Now this is very common problem to PC games these days, either the game is broken or their is glitch in the game, or your graphic drivers are messed. It can be any of these that may be resulting into this type of behaviour. Sometimes some other application is messing around with the game which results in crashing the game or your RAM is low. It can be any of these so hit and trial for time being is your only option.
Problem #8: Transofmers: War for Cybertron encounters audio / sound glitches / errors:
Solution: Reduce your audio sampling frequency go to device control and turn it to 44khz from 48khz.Turn off hardware acceleration.Changr sound quality from best to good.
Problem #9:Steam Users| Finished Download/Installing The Game but on executing the .exe file, it doesn’t start:
There are few things you can do in order to resolve this issue.
1. Exit the steam and try running the game, see if it starts now.
2. Try running the game from the steam menu as admin.
3. Run an integrity check, right click on the game in steam, go to properties, now under local data you should see integrity check, click it to see if you have complete files of the game.
4. Update your graphic card drivers.
The issues maybe related to graphic cards or due to steam settings,but it varies from people to people.
Problem #10: Error logging in using existing account:
solution:Some misplaced script is prevnting existing steam users from logging into the official website of the game and the only workaround fix for this game is by going to activision site and register for another account.No other altenative fix for this currently.
Problem #11:Redeeming DLC code:
1. Go to
2. Click “Redeem Code.”
3. Fill out the form to register a quick account OR on the top right, click “Log-In” if you already have an ACTIVISION account. (It will fill the information in for you.) The account is used to hold all of your codes so you can look back at the code if you need it again.
4. After submitting the form. Check your email for the account confirmation. Click the link inside the email.
5. Log-in into the account your just created.
6. Enter your 12-digit pre-order code you received.
7. You will then pick the platform for the game that you have.
8. The code for the system will be listed. Enter that code into “Redeem Code” in your Xbox 360 or PS3.
9. Enjoy your Pre-order bonus.
Now few of the folks are having troubles logging into their account in Transformers War for CyberTron official site, the account they just created on that website, so here is a workaround.
1. Go to Activision main site, and register for account.
2. Once registered go back to Transformers War For CyberTron site and log-in their as an existing user.
3. Redeem your DLC code.
Problem #12:Co-Op hosting issues:
Portforward these ports and you will be fine.
TCP/UDP 7000
TCP/UDP 6500
TCP/UDP 13000
Problem #13:Mouse Control fix:
This happens when you port a game to PC and that too in hurry. Its not due to broken game, it just that developer forgot to change the mouse X-axis and Y-axis sensitivities while porting the game to PC, which is sad.
Problem #14:Game cras on Alt-Tab:
Solution: This game is based on Unreal 3 engine which considers Alt-tabbing to a poison and doing it will cause blackouts or even BSOD's.So if you have to do multitasking,then run the game in windowed mode.Or if you have downloaded the game from Steam, their is a tag “-noborder”, add it in setlaunch option for the game and see if that works.
Problem #15:30 FPS locked:
Solution: The game is programmed to work @ a fixed framerate of 30 by default.However due to additional graphical features like motion blur and other properties a drop may be experienced.But with the patch being developed as we speak,things are expected to calm down.
Problem #16:Problem Loading The Game, Executing TWFC.exe
Solution:If on executing twfc.exe, the game doesn’t load, error message appears saying “TWFC.exe has encountered problem and needs to be closed”. Follow the procedure below to resolve the issue.
1. Restart computer, this may actually resolve the whole issue for some, if you aren’t that lucky, read on.
2. Go to Program Files/steam/SteamApps/common/transformers war for cybertron/binaries, right clicked on TWFC.exe and selected “run as administrator”. (Steam Users)
- Others go to game directory, right click on TWFC.exe and go to its properties, then click on compatibility tab and check “Run as Admin”.
Try executing the game now and it should work fine.
Labels: Cybertron increase framerate , game fixes , stutter , transformers , War for Cybertron anti-aliasing , War for Cybertron can't rebind keyboard controller , War for Cybertron errors , War for Cybertron PC freeze
Does windows 7 RC crash quite frequently. Is it ok to put some important documents on a pc running win 7 RC?
Thank you
Brad Fallon
Does windows 7 RC crash quite frequently. Is it ok to put some important documents on a pc running win 7 RC?
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